vendredi 24 août 2018

dimanche 5 août 2018

الالوان في امازيغية الليبية

الالوان في امازيغية  الليبية

* اژطّاف - ⴰⵥⵟⵟⴰⴼ - اسود
* ازروال - ⴰⵣⵔⵡⴰⵍ - ازرق
* اژاوژاو - ⴰⵥⴰⵡⵥⴰⵡ - ازرق سماوي
* ازگزاو - ⴰⵣⴳⵣⴰⵡ - اخضر
* ازواواغ - ⴰⵣⵡⴰⵡⴰⵖ - وردي
* ازوگاغ - ⴰⵣⵓⴳⴳⴰⵖ - آحمر
* ازوباغ - ⴰⵣⵓⴱⴰⵖ - كستنائي
* ازوال - ⴰⵣⵡⴰⵍ - اسمر
* ازريف - ⴰⵥⵔⵉⴼ - فضي
* ازورغ - ⴰⵣⵓⵔⵖ - فضة
* ازينزو - ⴰⵣⵉⵏⵣⵓ - التلون

jeudi 2 août 2018

معاني الكلمات الامازيغية بالعربية : معني كلمة عجين الخبز بالامازيغية

في صفحتنا على الفيس بوك اضع فيها كلمات امازيغية و اطلب من معجبي الصفحة مقابل لها عندهم في مناطقهم في كل شمال افريقيا 
المغرب , الجزائر , تونس , ليبيا
و ليكم حصيلة معاني بعض الكلمات

عجين الخبز ما معناها بالامازيغية ؟


اريتو في نفوسة وعندنا في ليبيا اكلة بالعجين المقطع مثل المكرونة تسمى رشتة. وربما تحور اسمها من ارشتى.

    أصلها الأقدم /اركًتو/، ومن أوجه نطقه /اركتو/ بالهمس، و/اريتّو/ بالاعلال والادغام


أريتي .. آت مزاب الجزائر
أركثي aarkthi أهفرح الاوراس
Arukthi, akfadou bejaia
آرگثي -شاوية الأوراس الجزائر
Arecti /at asla sud ouest dzayer
اريتي / ariti Mzab


Atlas anammas Mrirt
arcti - Ait Warayn (Taza)

 أرشتي زيان خنيفرة
نسميه في ايت اسحاق .. الاطلس المتوسط
أرشتي arct
Aracthi rif
arcti - Ait Warayn (Taza)

اركثي ايمازيغن نلاطلس المتوسط
أريثي إي مازيغن نايث ورياغل ناريف

mardi 31 juillet 2018

قاموس امازيغي عربي

قاموس امازيغي عربي

 المعنى  الكلمات
 اليد  afouss  افوس
 الرجل  adar  اضار
 البطن  adiss  اديس
 الركبة  afoud  افود
 الراس  ikhf  ئخف
 الادن  amzzough  امزوغ
 العين  titt  تيط
 الشعر  azzar  ازار
 الجبهة  ignzi  ئكنزي
 الاصبع  addadd  اضاض
 aboudd  ابوض
 الرجل  argaz  اركاز
 المراة  tamttout  تمطوت
 العريس isli  ئسلي
 العروسة  tasliyt  تيسلييت
 الاولاد arraou  اراو
  ابنه او ابنها iuiss  ئويس
 ابنته او ابنتها illiss  ئليس
 النسائب  iddolan  ئضولان
 البيت tigmmi  تيكمي
البستان  ourti اورتي
الحقل  igr ئكر
الحرت  tayrza  تيرزا
الحصاد  tamgra  تمكرا

samedi 7 juillet 2018

ait menguellet _ tamurth idurar

ait menguellet _ tamurth idurar

mercredi 4 juillet 2018

jeudi 15 février 2018


Jugurtha, (born c. 160 BC—died 104, Rome), king of Numidia from 118 to 105, who struggled to free his North African kingdom from Roman rule.

Jugurtha was the illegitimate grandson of Masinissa (d. 148), under whom Numidia had become a Roman ally, and the nephew of Masinissa’s successor, Micipsa. Jugurtha became so popular among the Numidians that Micipsa tried to eliminate his influence by sending him in 134 to assist the Roman general Scipio Africanus the Younger in the siege of Numantia (Spain). Jugurtha, however, established close relations with Scipio, who was the hereditary patron of Numidia and who probably persuaded Micipsa to adopt Jugurtha in 120.

After Micipsa’s death in 118, Jugurtha shared the rule of Numidia with Micipsa’s two sons, Hiempsal and Adherbal, the first of whom Jugurtha assassinated. When Adherbal was attacked by Jugurtha, he fled to Rome for aid—Rome’s approval being required for any change in the government of Numidia. A senatorial commission divided Numidia, with Jugurtha taking the less-developed western half and Adherbal the richer eastern half. Trusting in his influence at Rome, Jugurtha again attacked Adherbal (112), capturing his capital at Cirta and killing him. During the sack of Cirta, a number of Italian traders were also slain. Popular anger in Rome at this action forced the Senate to declare war on Jugurtha, but in 111 the consul Lucius Calpurnius Bestia made a generous settlement with him. Summoned to Rome to explain how he had managed to obtain the treaty, Jugurtha was silenced by a tribune of the plebs. He then had a potential rival killed in the capital, and even the best of his Roman friends could no longer support him.

When war was renewed, Jugurtha easily maintained himself against incompetent generals. Early in 110 he forced the capitulation of a whole army under Aulus Postumius Albinus and drove the Romans out of Numidia. Antisenatorial feeling caused the terms of this surrender to be disavowed by Rome, and fighting again broke out. One of the consuls for 109, Quintus Caecilius Metellus Numidicus, won several battles but did not drive Jugurtha to surrender. After the arrival of a new consul, Gaius Marius, in 107, Jugurtha continued to achieve successes through guerrilla warfare. Bocchus I of Mauretania, however, encouraged by Marius’ quaestor, Lucius Cornelius Sulla, trapped the Numidian king and turned him over to the Romans early in 105. He was executed the following year.

In vigour and resource he was a worthy grandson of Masinissa but lacked his political insight. Misled by signs of corruption in the Roman governing class, he failed to realize that there were limits beyond which Rome’s satellite rulers could not go without provoking decisive intervention. The Jugurthine War gave Marius the excuse to reform the army by recruiting soldiers who were not property owners. As the Roman historian Sallust’s monograph The Jugurthine War makes clear, the Senate’s handling of Jugurtha, characterized by a mixture of corruption and incompetence, led to the loss of public confidence, which was an important factor in the eventual fall of the Roman Republic.

dimanche 4 février 2018

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