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samedi 25 novembre 2017

apprendre Tachelhite dialecte Amazigh du Maroc


Tachelhit c'est une dialecte amazigh qui ce pratique au sud du Maroc 

dan la région du Souss et dans l'inti Atlas et haut Atlas .
 les principales tribus sont :
 Haha au sud d'Issaouira , les Ida-outanan et les M'tougga au nord d'Agadir,
 les Ichtouken et les Ait Baha au sud d'Agadir,
les Ait Baàmran a Sidi Ifni .

Les Noms en Tachelhit :

remarque : 
la plupart des noms singulier en Tachelhit ce commence pare A 
 pour les nom masculin et T pour les nom féminin .
Pour bien lire les maux qui est écrie en Tachelhit ,
 Le R ce prononcer comme en Espagnol et GH ce prononcer 
comme R en français .
Agayoula têteAtbirPigeon mal
Argazl'homeTatbirtPigeon fem
Tamghartla femmeAydiLe chien
Afroukhle garçonIzemLion
Tafroukhtla filleAzgerBoeuf
Tislytla marelleAmuchChat
Oudemle visageIlfSanglier
Afoussla mainIkrouChèvre
Adarle pieAwtilLièvre
Addadle doitAgdidOiseau
Azzarles cheveuInikfHérisson
Inkharle néTawouktHibou
Imila boucheUchenLoup
Oukhssanles dentsTafoloustPoule
Ighssanles osAzenkdGazelle
Ahligle ventreTutfitFourmi
Iddoudanles doisTammourghiCriquet
Tigmmila maisonIghirdmScorpion
Aghroumle pinIzanMouches
Taggourtla porteTigmmiMaison
Aghrable murImzdaghHabitants
Afolloussle coqAnuPuits
Tafolousstla pouleTamgraMoisson
Asrdounla muleToumzinOrge
Adrarles menthaneAsengarMais
Tagantla foréTaknaritNopal
Asifla rivièreAlimFoin
Tafouktle soleilAmeksaBerger

Les pronoms personnels

Tachelhit          Français
Nkkin                 Moi
Kye                    Toi   M
Kem                  Toi   F
Netta                  Lui     M
Nettat                 Lui     F
Nekni                  Nous   M
Nekunti               Nous      F
Kunni                  Vous         M
Kunninti               Vous          F
Netni                    Ils           M
Netenti                  Elles         F

Les verbe

iddail est aller
youchkadil viens
iftail est aller
isaoulil reste
ichail a manger
ighrail a lu
izrail a vu
ioutil frappe
iflail a laisser
isghail a acheter
izzenzail a vendu
youkril a voler
irzemil ouvre
iffoughil  sorte
isouail a bu
imlail a montrer
les verbes dans le passé exemple :Le verbe icha , manger  :
Nkkin chigh    j'ai manger
Kye t'chit       tu a manger
Kmmi t'chit     tu a manger   pour le féminin
Ntta icha      il a manger
Nttat t'cha      elle a manger
Cunni t'cham  vous avez manger
Nukni ncha          nous avons manger
Nttni chan          ils ont manger
Nttenti chant      elles ont manger
dans le présent les verbe ce commence par  ar exemple :
ar chttagh        je mange
ar tchttat         tu mange
ar ichtta           il mange 
ar tchetta       elle mange
ar nchtta         nous mangons
ar tchtam        vous mangez
ar chttan        ils mangent
ar chettant     elles mangent

LEXIQUE ANIMAL (Français - Amazighe - Arabe)

 Fondation Culturelle Tawalt - Série Lexiques (1)

LEXIQUE ANIMAL (Français - Amazighe - Arabe)

Mohamed Oussous

1. Abdomen des sauterelles, des insectes: aguniä - aguniḍ احلشرة بطن أو ما يشبه 2. Abeille: tizzwit, tizizwit - tizzwit, tizizwit نحلة - Essaim d’abeilles sauvages: aäräur, aålif aäräur - aḍerḍur, agʷlif aḍerḍur - Abeille charpentière, xyloco - pe: TIZIZWIT TADRVALT tizizwit قعثبان أزرق taderɣalt 3. Able, ablette (pois): aslm aml - lal, amllal - aslem amellal, umlil سمك أبيض 4. Acanthocéphale: asnnanixf - asennanixef (isennanixefen) (neo) شائك الرأس 5. Acarne, bogue ravelle, pageau blanc (pois): taçnagt - taẓnagt 6. Acarus, sarcopte de gale: til - جرب قملي tillict - lict 7. Acére: aåirar - agʷirar عدمي القرون 8. Achigan (pois): acigan - acigan فرخ أسود
9. Acranien: war iqlquln war iqelqulen (neo) الجمجمي 10. Acrida ( criquet non gré - gaire): amzil wurtan - amzil wurtan 11. Acridiens: iburqsn iburqesn جراديات 12. Acrobate (marsupial): afrak - si - afraksi (neo) بهلوان 13. Aculéates, porte - aiguillon: id bu isuqqas id bu isuqqas (neo) ذوات احلمة 14. Addax (antilope, mam): amllal, amlal - amellal, amlal أداكس، مهاة 15. Addax à nez tacheté (Addax nasomaculatus, mam): tasgint - أبو عدس tasgint 16. Aeschne (ins): abrzggu - ab - سرمان erzegg

17. Agame (rept): talmvudi talemɣudi - amtvtv حرذون Agama colonorum: amteɣteɣ (imteɣteɣen) 18. Agame variable (rept): tam - klklt - tamkelkelt
19. Agame de bibron (rept): tafunast iblankiwn - tafunast iblankiwn. 20. Agame à queue épineuse, uromastix, fouette queue (rept): aåjjim, aprdan, agizam, agzzaram agʷjjim, aḥerdan, agizam, agezzaram ضب 21. Agami (ois): agami - agami يعجمي (neo( 22. Aglosse: war ils - war iles عدمي اللسان (neo( 23. Agneau: alqqav, anuguä alqqaɣ, حمل anuguḍ - Agneau qui ne tête plus: izimmr izimmer. 24. Agnelle: tavla, taratt, tizimmrt, taɣla, taratt, tizimmert شويهة 25. Agouti (rong): aguti - aguti أغوطي(neo( 26. Agrobate roux, Cercotrichas galactotes (ois): tlbakku, tlåjjim telbakku, telgʷjjim. 27. Aigle: igidr - igider عقاب Aigle ibérique: tawayya igadrn عقاب إيبيري igadern tawayya 28. Aigle de mer, raie-aigle (pois): tafunast n ilel - tafunast n ilel

29. Aigle pêcheur: igidr anåmar igider anegmar (neo) 30. Aigrette: taquqact taquqact (قنزعة )على رأس الطائر 31. Aigrette garzette: mlal avu - mlal aɣu, ablbal abelbal بلشون أبيض 32. Aiguillat commun (pois): bu ta- ççit - bu taẓẓit اإلسكندر سمكة 33. Aiguillette, aiguille de mer, orphie (pois): isgni isegni - tissgnit n ilel - tissegnit n ilel خرمان- براك 34. Aile: ifr, afraw, afriw ifer, afraw, afriw, tibillut tibillut جناح 35. Alauda desertorum (ois): aäaluj aḍaluj (iḍalujen) مكاء 36. Alcyon: alsyun alsyun (neo) ألسيون 37. Aleurode (mouche blanche): izi umlil - izi umlil بيضاء ذبابة 38. Alezan: atlav atlaɣ أصهب حصان 39. Alifère: amafraw amafraw مجنح (neo( 40. Alose (pois): acbuq, ablav acbuq, ablaɣ شابل 41. Alouette (ois): asmayun asmayun قنبرة - Alouette de passage: afrgvul afergɣul 42. Alouette des champs (Alauda arvensis), ois: takoyust, tamkyuät, aloyuä takɛyust, tamkyuḍt, alɛyuḍ قبرة احلقول 43. Alouette huppée (cochevis), Galerida cristata (ois): tanpbaät, tavaydut, amvayud, tizirra
tanḥebaḍt, taɣaydut, amɣayud, tizirra قوبع 44. Altise, tiquet, puce de terre (ins): aggurdi wakal aggurdi wakal نطاطة )برغوث البساتني) (neo( 45. Alucite des céréales (teigne du blé), Sitotroga cerealella: imiyyl imiyyl احلبوب سوسة 46. Ambystome: tagdst llmiksik tagdest llmeksik (neo) سمندل املكسيك
47. Ammomane (ois): tabgnst يرمل tabgenst 48. Ammomane Isabelline- Ammomanes deserti (ois): tagäiät umrdul - tagḍiḍt umerdul البادية قبرة 49. Amphibien: amannkal - amankal* قازب، برمائي (imankalen( 50. Amphipodes: iyugäarn مزدوجات األرجل (neo (iyugḍaren 51. Amphisbène (rept): agrawal قهيقران agrawal 52. Ampullaire (gros escargot): حلزون كبير abuḥrar- abuprar 53. Anatife (moll): tifnzit, tifnzit n twayya - tifenzit, tifnzit n twayya هدابية األرجل من القشريات 54. Anakonda (eunecte, rept): anakunda - anakunda أناكوندا 55. Anchois (poi): tabina, acäun هف، بلم، سمور acḍun, tab
56. Androctonus (espèce de scorpion) : - Androctonus mauretanicus: buvardm buɣardem - Androctonus amoreuxi: ivirc iɣirc 57. Âne: avyul, ayçä aɣyul, ayẓed açiä aẓid حمار - Âne de couleur foncé: avyul advmum (idvmumn) aɣyul adeɣmum (ideɣmumen) - Petit âne qui ne grandit pas: apnsur aḥensur دوبل 58. Ange de mer, Squatine (pois): talfsa talefsa مالك 59. Albinos (mouton, chameau): amanar amanar أمهق 60. Anguille (pois): tazlmt, tizlmi, tazilma, ifivr n ilel, aslbap tazelmt, tizelmi, tazilma, ifiɣer n ilel, ّ أنقليس سلور a
61. Animal: amudr amudr حيوان - Sauvage: axxu axxu وحشي حيوان - Carnassier sauvage nuisible (lion, hyène, chacal..): tawwa tawwa حيوان من الضواري الالحمة املفترسة - Domestique: aywal aywal أليف حيوان - Aquatique: amudr n waman amuder حيوان مائي waman n
Nocturne: amssrdal amsserdal ليلي، رامس حيوان - Tacheté: abrar abrar ،مبقع حيوان أرقط 62. Annélides: ibutcln ibutceln حلقيات 63. Anodonte (moll): aruxsan aruxsan هتمية 64. Ânon: asnus, apjud akrcun asnus, aḥjud akercun جحش 65. Anophèle, moustique de la fièvre (ins): abiba n tawla abiba n بعوضة املالريا (neo (tawla 66. Anoures: igräiän, iåjäaän بتراوات، عدميات الذنب igʷjḍaḍen, ig

samedi 5 mars 2016

Etymology of Imazighen

The perplexed term 'Berber' is shrouded with mystery, just as the Berbers themselves. Regardless of whether some people like or dislike the use of the term 'Berber' the name had entered the international vocabulary and therefore it will be used here when writing in English. The matriarchal name 'Tamazight', albeit more popular in its recent masculine and patriarchal form Amazigh, is gradually becoming known to the outside world.

This is not to say that there is anything wrong with using the term Berber, just because it was mistakenly associated with Greek barbarous and the negative connotation it conveys – as it existed long before the Greeks and the Romans, and also was used by the Ancient Egyptians and the Berbers long before them. There is no doubt that the etymology of the name 'Berber' was altogether misunderstood, and it never meant 'barbaric' or 'savage' simply because the Romans used it to describe the Ancient Egyptians whom we all know were far more advanced and civilised than both the Romans and the Greeks.

Generally speaking the term "Berbers" was used by foreigners (or aliens some would say) to describe the native inhabitants of North Africa, while the Berbers call themselves Imazighen. Likewise, its etymology of "Free People" or "Freemen" has neither etymological basis nor historical foundation, and it was merely a superstitious conjuncture that somehow gained widespread popularity amongst both Berberists and European scholars, probably after it was introduced to them by Berber Leo Africanus, without questioning its authority or explaining how it came to have this bizarre etymology. Which part in the term 'Imazighen' that says 'free' and which part that means 'people' remain to be explained. The only etymology that can be concluded so far is "noble", as in Tamaheqt majegh ('nobel'). Noble they are, no doubt; but free is far from true. Freedom starts in the mind, then magically manifests in the real world.

Imazighen is the plural form of the masculine singular Amazigh or Mazigh, while 'Timazighin' is the plural form of the feminine singular Tamazight. This means that the recent use of the term 'Amazigh' to describe a group of people (as in the Amazigh of Libya) is incorrect because the term is singular; and therefore the correct form to use is the plural form: the Imazighen of Libya. The popular and masculine form used almost world-wide, namely "Amazigh Language", does not exist; violates the sacred Tamazight; and seemingly is heading towards threatening the very base on which it was based – the matriarchal nature of the Berber society. Tamazight by itself means exactly that: 'Berber language'. For some unknown reason there seems to be the alien tendency to abandon the original matriarchal form Tamazight and ultimately all its associated forms!

'Tamazgha', meaning the 'land of the Imazighen' (or North Africa), was also invented by activists to describe what the Berbers have always prescribed as Thamorth, ('land, town, country'). Terms like 'Amazighity' (mixing the English suffix -ty with Berber a-Mazigh-) and 'Imazighenautes' (the Berber geeks of the internet) give the amusing impression that things are getting complicated.

Some might say this should not pose a threat, so long as modernisation is applied to illuminate (rather than integrate then eliminate). But nature has already taken care of this process in a natural way. TEK ('TraditionalEnvironmental Knowledge') is continually modernising all aspects of human existence in one complete system we know as evolution – with the free 'will' to steer one's destiny.

This extensive TEK knowledge of indigenous People's heritage and accumulative wisdom, which modern scientists now seek for new insights, insures cultural continuation and inspires new inventions of material types, smart tools and even new human societies altogether; encompassing all aspects of human's existence. Yet despotic democracies, in contrast, emphasise only one single aspect on the expense of all other aspects including the desecration of nature, policing indigenous principles, impoverishing people, and even feeding the earth with toxic waste. This transitional expression will not succeed in evolutionary terms, because it violates long range perspective with which nature sees her future offspring thriving as ever!

The Berbers' mentality, their cheerful attitude to life, their customary egalitarian justice and tribal council of the elders (of both female and male transparent members of the society who lead by example), and all the good, unique elements that distinguish Tamazight society from the 'warring' ideals thriving in neighbouring and far distant countries may all become affected by, if not infected with, the new cultureless direction towards which the Berber society may one day find itself led to –> something the Imazighen of today ought to be concerned-with right now, rather than shortsightedly endure in decades to come. If the Berbers loose their unique sense of identity, as a Berber, one may no longer wish to remain a Berber, simply because there will be none in essence.

To take away from indigenous people their pride, then deprive them of the values at the heart of their existence, rather than preserve their priceless world heritage, goes against all human ideals allegedlyreverberating across the moral world. The Berber Tuareg of the Sahara were also brought under the hammer in recent decades when they were forced to perform some patriarchal con-sessions to abandon a number of Tamazight matriarchal institutions including the "sacred matrilineal naming system".

Letters written language Tamazight Tifinagh

Letters written lagunage Tamazight Tifinagh

Letters written language Tamazight Tifinagh is one of the oldest characters, where they were shred inscriptions to this topic characters carved on rocks in the Sahara desert of North Africa, and this topic inscriptions dating back thousands of years .

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